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The Oldest Medical Science

Since I have been writing about Ayurvedic remedies of late, I decided to explore the history of the ancient branch of medicine that was practiced in India. Ayurveda is considered the oldest healing science by many scholars. Although its exact origin is unknown, it is believed to be as old as 6000 BCE, predating the Indus Valley civilization. The name Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayus and veda, which mean "life" and "knowledge" respectively. Therefore, Ayurveda literally means “the knowledge of life.” 

The five elements of Ayurveda

There are two main books in Ayurveda- Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita, which were written around 1000 BCE and 5th century AD, years after it came into practice. These texts include diagnosis, treatments, and strategies to prevent illness, herbal remedies for various ailments, as well as surgical techniques.Ayurveda, although described to be a traditional system of medicine, is more accurately a holistic system of wellness, which focuses less on medical remedies than healthy living through maintaining balance in the body. It is often described as “a way of life” rather than a science. It is based on the belief that health and well-being are dependent on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit, and it incorporates healthy practices like yoga and meditation.  

The governing principle in Ayurveda is the maintenance of balance in the body between the three doshas- vata, pitta and kapha- drawing a comparison to the humor theory of ancient Greek medicine. The three doshas, which are a combination of the five elements of nature, influence health, appearance, and personality.

  • Vata is composed of ether and air and governs movement.
  • Pitta, composed of fire and water, governs the digestion and the metabolic system.
  • Kapha, composed of earth and water, governs lubrication and structure.
Ayurvedic doshas

The most important aspect of Ayurveda is the prevention of disease, rather than its treatment. Although Ayurveda includes medical and surgical remedies, the focus is on preventing the onset of disease by solving the imbalance. According to Ayurveda, an imbalance in a person's doshas first leads to discomfort, which if treated, can prevent the manifestation of the disease. The imbalance can generally be treated by lifestyle changes including dietary changes, exercise (yoga), and medicinal herbs. The western concept of detoxification is also a huge part of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic foot massage



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