As the only lefty in my immediate family, I have always been intrigued by handedness, which is defined as an individual's preferential use of one hand, also known as the dominant hand. This post is dedicated to all the world's lefties trying to function in a right-handed world (you know what I'm talking about!) For my clueless right-handed friends, think of me when you see a classroom desk, scissors, or a microscope!) Left-handedness is apparently genetic, so it's all the more surprising that I'm the only one in my family. However, my extended family on my dad's side certainly has some more lefties, so it's not all that strange. Another interesting tidbit that I found was that India has about half as many left-handers as the United States (despite its much larger population), and this is attributed mainly to the cultural aspect of the society. India is known to be a "collectivistic culture", which discourages left-handedness in children, whereas i...
Blog on the History of Medicine and Medical Science from the Ancient Times to Modern